
Thursday, April 1, 2010

PLN 19

I read the article “Obama: Energy Initiatives Seek to Bolster Security” By John J. Kruzel, what matters is President Barack Obama announced a series of energy initiatives, including plans to expand off-shore drilling, aimed in part at bolstering national security by weaning the United States off foreign oil. From inside a hangar at Joint Base Andrews-Naval Air Facility Washington in Maryland, against a backdrop of war fighting equipment powered partly by alternative fuel sources, Obama told a military audience that he chose the venue to underscore environmentally conscious measures that military leaders are spearheading with a view toward long-term U.S. defense interests. This would really help our economy if we got our own oil and we did not have to rely on other country’s oil. This would also make the US a bigger threat to other countries around the world because we would be able to sustain ourselves without outside help. In addition to reinforcing national security, steps announced to open vast tracts to oil drilling in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, along the Atlantic Coast and off the north coast of Alaska intend to reduce damage inflicted on the environment and push the United States into a position of leadership as the clean-energy industry takes on a greater share of the global economy. Other initiatives to increase mileage standards and double the number of hybrid automobiles in the federal fleet while reducing the overall number of vehicles would help the country cut its reliance on foreign oil. “Moving toward clean energy is about our security,” Obama said.


  1. make presentation a little longer but great job!

  2. you did very good. try to explain more about the pln though

  3. The middle east radicals wouldn't like it very much.

  4. Great Post. I hope we find some oil.

  5. Interesting article but talk more about what you wrote

  6. very good presentation. nice discussion
